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Worry to Peace in 7 Weeks
Week 1: Boost Your Self-Command Muscle
Try out and discover PQ Reps that are most effective for you.
Use the app's breakthrough PQ Charge Meter to ensure optimal brain activation before important activities.
Week 2: Intercept the Judge Saboteur
Expose your Judge's hidden lies, limiting beliefs, and negative patterns.
Rewire your negative neural pathways by redirecting the Judge response.
Week 3: Intercept and Weaken your Accomplice Saboteurs
Expose your accomplice Saboteur's hidden lies, limiting beliefs and negative patterns.
Discover how to quickly intercept this Saboteur before it hijacks you.
Week 4: Shift from Saboteur to Sage
Practice the Sage Perspective that every outcome or circumstance can be turned into a gift and opportunity.
Boost speed of recovery from failures and setbacks.
Week 5: Strengthen the Empathize Power
Practice 3 techniques to activate each power.
Know when to use which power--right tool at the right time.
Week 6: Take Clear Headed, Laser Focus Action
Use your Sage's Activate power to act without fear or emotional distractions even in the midst of great crises.
Discover your Sage's deep wisdom, far surpassing your analytical intelligence.
Week 7: Build the Navigate Power
Discover how to use the PQ app to maintain your new mental muscles and Sage habits
Discover how to quickly intercept this Saboteur before it hijacks you.
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